
Found 834 results
Kesselring MS, de la Fuente JCMagdalen, Thomsen F, Eisert J, Bartlett SD, Brown BJ.  2024.  Anyon condensation and the color code. PRX Quantum. 5
Hirsch TMF, Mauranyapin NP, Romero E, Jin X, Harris G, Baker CG, Bowen WP.  2024.  Directional emission in an on-chip acoustic waveguide. Applied Physics Letters. 124
Long DM, Doherty AC.  2024.  Edge theories for anyon condensation phase transitions. Physical Review B. 109
Gupta RSwaroop, Sundaresan N, Alexander T, Wood CJ, Merkel ST, Healy MB, Hillenbrand M, Jochym-O’Connor T, Wootton JR, Yoder TJ et al..  2024.  Encoding a magic state with beyond break-even fidelity. Nature. 625(7994)
Quiskamp A, McAllister BT, Altin P, Ivanov EN, Goryachev M, Tobar ME.  2024.  Exclusion of Axionlike-Particle Cogenesis Dark Matter in a Mass Window above 100 ueV. Physical Review Letters. 132
Kolesnikow XC, Bomantara RW, Doherty AC, Grimsmo AL.  2024.  Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill state preparation using periodic driving. Physical Review Letters. 132
Chiao RY, Inan NA, Scheibner M, Sharping J, Singleton DA, Tobar ME.  2024.  Gravitational Aharonov-Bohm Effect. Physical Review D. 109
Chakrabarty S, Gleason JR, Han Y, Hipp AT, Solano M, Sikivie P, Sullivan NS, Tanner DB, Goryachev M, Hartman E et al..  2024.  Low frequency, 100–600 MHz, searches with axion cavity haloscopes. Physical Review D. 109
Williamson LA, Davis MJ.  2024.  Many-body enhancement in a spin-chain quantum heat engine. Physical Review B. 109
Johnsson MT, Burgarth D.  2024.  Open-loop linear control of quadratic Hamiltonians with applications. Physical Review A. 109
Mauron C, Farrelly T, Stace TM.  2024.  Optimization of tensor network codes with reinforcement learning. New Journal of Physics. 26
Stace TM, Chen J, Li L, Perunicic VS, Carvalho ARR, Hush M, Valahu CH, Tan TRei, Biercuk MJ.  2024.  Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices. Physical Review Applied. 21
Gupta RSwaroop, van den Berg E, Takita M, Ristè D, Temme K, Kandala A.  2024.  Probabilistic error cancellation for dynamic quantum circuits. Physical Review A. 109(6)
Vedl Š, George DJ, Brennen G.  2024.  Scale limited fields and the Casimir effect. Physical Review D. 109(1)
Stilgoe AB, Favre-Bulle IA, Watson ML, Gomez-Godinez V, Berns MW, Preece D, Rubinsztein-Dunlop H.  2024.  Shining Light in Mechanobiology: Optical Tweezers, Scissors, and Beyond. ACS Photonics.
Shaw MH, Doherty AC, Grimsmo AL.  2024.  Stabilizer Subsystem Decompositions for Single-and Multimode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Codes. PRX Quantum. 5
Krasnok A, Dhakal P, Fedorov A, Frigola P, Kelly M, Kutsaev S.  2024.  Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systems. Applied Physics Reviews. 11
Burgarth D, Facchi P, Hillier R, Ligabò M.  2024.  Taming the rotating wave approximation. Quantum. 8
Stilgoe AB, Kashchuk AV, Balanant M-A, Santangelo D, Nieminen TA, Sauret E, Flower R, Rubinsztein-Dunlop H.  2024.  Tired and stressed: direct holographic quasi-static stretching of aging echinocytes and discocytes in plasma using optical tweezers. Biomedical Optics Express. 15
White AC.  2024.  Triangular vortex lattices and giant vortices in rotating bubble Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A. 109(1)
McAllister BT, Quiskamp AP, Tobar ME.  2024.  Tunable rectangular resonant cavities for axion haloscopes. Physical Review D. 109
Doyle C, Zhang W-W, Wang M, Bell BA, Bartlett SD, Blanco-Redondo A.  2022.  Biphoton entanglement of topologically distinct modes. Physical Review A. 105(2)
Iyer P, Jain A, Bartlett SD, Emerson J.  2022.  Efficient diagnostics for quantum error correction. Physical Review Research. 4(4)
George DJ, Sanders YR, Bagherimehrab M, Sanders BC, Brennen G.  2022.  Entanglement in quantum field theory via wavelet representations. Physical Review D. 106(3)
Romero J, Rambach M.  2022.  Entanglement Levels Up. Optics and Photonics News. 33(1):32.
Evans T.J., Huang W., Yoneda J., Harper R., Tanttu T., Chan K.W., Hudson F.E., Itoh K.M., Saraiva A., Yang C.H. et al..  2022.  Fast Bayesian Tomography of a Two-Qubit Gate Set in Silicon. Physical Review Applied. 17(2)
Pashayan H, Reardon-Smith O, Korzekwa K, Bartlett SD.  2022.  Fast Estimation of Outcome Probabilities for Quantum Circuits. PRX Quantum. 3(2)
Huang Z, Brennen G, Ouyang Y.  2022.  Imaging Stars with Quantum Error Correction. Physical Review Letters. 129(21)
Cohen LZ, Kim IH, Bartlett SD, Brown BJ.  2022.  Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity. Science Advances. 8(20)
Johnsson M, Baragiola BQ, Volz T, Brennen G.  2022.  Modified coherence of quantum spins in a damped pure-dephasing model. Physical Review B. 105(9)
Bagherimehrab M, Sanders YR, Berry DW, Brennen G, Sanders BC.  2022.  Nearly Optimal Quantum Algorithm for Generating the Ground State of a Free Quantum Field Theory. PRX Quantum. 3(2)
Bøttcher C.GL, Harvey S.P, Fallahi S., Gardner G.C, Manfra M.J, Vool U., Bartlett SD, Yacoby A..  2022.  Parametric longitudinal coupling between a high-impedance superconducting resonator and a semiconductor quantum dot singlet-triplet spin qubitAbstract. Nature Communications. 13(1)
Zhao ZC, Goryachev M, Krupka J, Tobar M.E..  2022.  Precision Multi-Mode Dielectric Characterization of a Crystalline Perovskite Enables Determination of the Temperature-Dependent Phase Transitions. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 69(1):423-429.
Wood CE, Zych M.  2022.  Quantized mass-energy effects in an Unruh-DeWitt detector. Physical Review D. 106(2)
Webster P, Vasmer M, Scruby TR, Bartlett SD.  2022.  Universal fault-tolerant quantum computing with stabilizer codes. Physical Review Research. 4(1)
Gupta RSwaroop, Biercuk MJ.  2021.  Adaptive filtering of projective quantum measurements using discrete stochastic methods. Physical Review A. 104(1)
Bartram C., Braine T., Cervantes R., Crisosto N., Du N., Leum G., Rosenberg L.J, Rybka G., Yang J., Bowring D. et al..  2021.  Axion dark matter experiment: Run 1B analysis details. Physical Review D. 103(3)
Morrison CL, Rambach M, Koong ZXian, Graffitti F, Thorburn F, Kar AK, Ma Y, Park S-I, Song JDong, Stoltz NG et al..  2021.  A bright source of telecom single photons based on quantum frequency conversion. Applied Physics Letters. 118(17):174003.
Koong Z.X, Scerri E., Rambach M., Cygorek M., Brotons-Gisbert M., Picard R., Ma Y., Park S.I, Song J.D, Gauger E.M et al..  2021.  Coherent Dynamics in Quantum Emitters under Dichromatic Excitation. Physical Review Letters. 126(4)
Yoneda J., Huang W., Feng M., Yang C.H, Chan K.W, Tanttu T., Gilbert W., Leon R.CC, Hudson F.E, Itoh K.M et al..  2021.  Coherent spin qubit transport in siliconAbstract. Nature Communications. 12(1)
Wood CE, Zych M.  2021.  Composite particles with minimum uncertainty in spacetime. Physical Review Research. 3(1)
Nigmatullin R, Wagner E, Brennen G.  2021.  Directed percolation in nonunitary quantum cellular automata. Physical Review Research. 3(4)
Gauthier G, Bell TA, Stilgoe AB, Mark Baker, Rubinsztein-Dunlop H, Neely TW.  2021.  Dynamic high-resolution optical trapping of ultracold atoms. Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 70
Umer M, Bomantara RWeda, Gong J.  2021.  Dynamical characterization of Weyl nodes in Floquet Weyl semimetal phases. Physical Review B. 103(9)
Tobar M.E., McAllister BT, Goryachev M.  2021.  Electrodynamics of Free- and Bound-Charge Electricity Generators Using Impressed Sources. Physical Review Applied. 15(1)
Liu Y, Mummery J, Zhou J, Sillanpää MA.  2021.  Gravitational Forces Between Nonclassical Mechanical Oscillators. Physical Review Applied. 15(3)
Le DThanh, Asavanant W, An NBa.  2021.  Heralded preparation of polarization entanglement via quantum scissors. Physical Review A. 104(1)
Craiciu I, Lei M, Rochman J, Bartholomew JG, Faraon A.  2021.  Multifunctional on-chip storage at telecommunication wavelength for quantum networks. Optica. 8(1):114.
Ivanov EN, Tobar M.E..  2021.  Noise Suppression With Cryogenic Resonators. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 31(4):405-408.
Bomantara RWeda.  2021.  Nonlocal discrete time crystals in periodically driven surface codes. Physical Review B. 104(6)
Dix-Matthews BP, Schediwy SW, Gozzard DR, Savalle E, Esnault F-X, Lévèque T, Gravestock C, D’Mello D, Karpathakis S, Tobar M.E. et al..  2021.  Point-to-point stabilized optical frequency transfer with active opticsAbstract. Nature Communications. 12(1)
Kojima Y., Nakajima T., Noiri A., Yoneda J., Otsuka T., Takeda K., Li S., Bartlett SD, Ludwig A., Wieck A.D et al..  2021.  Probabilistic teleportation of a quantum dot spin qubitAbstract. npj Quantum Information. 7(1)
Bartlett SD.  2021.  Programming a quantum phase of matter. Science. 374(6572):1200-1201.
Little DJ, Kitzler O, Abedi S, Alias A, Gilchrist A, Mildren RP.  2021.  Quantum-randomized polarization of laser pulses derived from zero-point diamond motion. Optics Express. 29(2):894.
Goryachev M, Campbell WM, Heng ISiong, Galliou S, Ivanov EN, Tobar M.E..  2021.  Rare Events Detected with a Bulk Acoustic Wave High Frequency Gravitational Wave Antenna. Physical Review Letters. 127(7)
Rambach M, Qaryan M, Kewming M, Ferrie C, White AG, Romero J.  2021.  Robust and Efficient High-Dimensional Quantum State Tomography. Physical Review Letters. 126(10)
Bartram C., Braine T., Burns E., Cervantes R., Crisosto N., Du N., Korandla H., Leum G., Mohapatra P., Nitta T. et al..  2021.  Search for Invisible Axion Dark Matter in the 3.3–4.2. Physical Review Letters. 127(26)
Savalle E, Hees A, Frank F, Cantin E, Pottie P-E, Roberts BM, Cros L, McAllister BT, Wolf P.  2021.  Searching for Dark Matter with an Optical Cavity and an Unequal-Delay Interferometer. Physical Review Letters. 126(5)
Campbell WM, McAllister BT, Goryachev M, Ivanov EN, Tobar M.E..  2021.  Searching for Scalar Dark Matter via Coupling to Fundamental Constants with Photonic, Atomic, and Mechanical Oscillators. Physical Review Letters. 126(7)
Roberson TM.  2021.  On the Social Shaping of Quantum Technologies: An Analysis of Emerging Expectations Through Grant Proposals from 2002–2020Abstract. Minerva.
Bomantara RWeda, Mu S, Gong J.  2021.  Topological and dynamical features of periodically driven spin ladders. Physical Review B. 103(23)
Dix-Matthews BP, Gozzard DR, Karpathakis SFE, Gravestock CT, Schediwy SW.  2021.  Ultra-Wideband Free-Space Optical Phase Stabilization. IEEE Communications Letters. 25(5):1610-1614.
Thomson CA, McAllister BT, Goryachev M, Ivanov EN, Tobar M.E..  2021.  Upconversion Loop Oscillator Axion Detection Experiment: A Precision Frequency Interferometric Axion Dark Matter Search with a Cylindrical Microwave Cavity. Physical Review Letters. 126(8)
Gozzard DR, Walsh S, Weinhold T.  2021.  Vulnerability of Satellite Quantum Key Distribution to Disruption from Ground-Based Lasers. Sensors. 21(23):7904.
J. Ataides PBonilla, Tuckett DK, Bartlett SD, Flammia ST, Brown BJ.  2021.  The XZZX surface codeAbstract. Nature Communications. 12(1)
Gupta RSwaroop, Edmunds CL, Milne AR, Hempel C, Biercuk MJ.  2020.  Adaptive characterization of spatially inhomogeneous fields and errors in qubit registers.
Muñoz-Matutano G, Johnsson M, Martínez-Pastor J, Góngora DRivas, Seravalli L, Trevisi G, Frigeri P, Volz T, Gurioli M.  2020.  All optical switching of a single photon stream by excitonic depletion. Communications Physics. 3(1)
Le DThanh, Cole JH, Stace TM.  2020.  Building a bigger Hilbert space for superconducting devices, one Bloch state at a time. Physical Review Research. 2(1)
Roberson TM.  2020.  Can hype be a force for good?: Inviting unexpected engagement with science and technology futures Public Understanding of Science. :096366252092310.
Pate J.M, Goryachev M, Chiao R.Y, Sharping J.E, Tobar M.E..  2020.  Casimir spring and dilution in macroscopic cavity optomechanics. Nature Physics.
Roberts LE, Ward RL, Smith C, Shaddock DA.  2020.  Coherent Beam Combining Using an Internally Sensed Optical Phased Array of Frequency-Offset Phase Locked Lasers. Photonics. 7(4):118.
Kindem JM, Ruskuc A, Bartholomew JG, Rochman J, Huan YQi, Faraon A.  2020.  Control and single-shot readout of an ion embedded in a nanophotonic cavity. Nature. 580(7802):201-204.
Umer M, Bomantara RWeda, Gong J.  2020.  Counterpropagating edge states in Floquet topological insulating phases. Physical Review B. 101(23)
Sibley PG, Ward RL, Roberts LE, Francis SP, Shaddock DA.  2020.  Crosstalk reduction for multi-channel optical phase metrology. Optics Express. 28(7):10400.
Harris RJ, Coupe E, McMahon N., Brennen G, Stace TM.  2020.  Decoding holographic codes with an integer optimization decoder. Physical Review A. 102(6)
Flower G, McAllister B, Goryachev M, Tobar M.E..  2020.  Determination of niobium cavity magnetic field screening via a dispersively hybridized magnonic sensor. Applied Physics Letters. 117(16):162401.
Quiskamp AP, McAllister BT, Rybka G, Tobar M.E..  2020.  Dielectric-Boosted Sensitivity to Cylindrical Azimuthally Varying Transverse-Magnetic Resonant Modes in an Axion Haloscope. Physical Review Applied. 14(4)
Smith TB, Cassidy MC, Reilly DJ, Bartlett SD, Grimsmo AL.  2020.  Dispersive Readout of Majorana Qubits. PRX Quantum. 1(2)
Edmunds C.L, Hempel C., Harris R.J, Frey V., Stace TM, Biercuk MJ.  2020.  Dynamically corrected gates suppressing spatiotemporal error correlations as measured by randomized benchmarking. Physical Review Research. 2(1)
Osborne TJ, Stiegemann DE.  2020.  Dynamics for holographic codes. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020(4)
Schütz S., Schachenmayer J., Hagenmüller D., Brennen G, Volz T, Sandoghdar V., Ebbesen T.W, Genes C., Pupillo G..  2020.  Ensemble-Induced Strong Light-Matter Coupling of a Single Quantum Emitter. Physical Review Letters. 124(11)
Brown BJ.  2020.  A fault-tolerant non-Clifford gate for the surface code in two dimensions. Science Advances. 6(21):eaay4929.
Webster P, Bartlett SD.  2020.  Fault-tolerant quantum gates with defects in topological stabilizer codes. Physical Review A. 102(2)
Tuckett DK, Bartlett SD, Flammia ST, Brown BJ.  2020.  Fault-Tolerant Thresholds for the Surface Code in Excess of 5% Under Biased Noise. Physical Review Letters. 124(13)
Bourhill J., Carvalho N., Goryachev M, Galliou S, Tobar M.E..  2020.  Generation of coherent phonons via a cavity enhanced photonic lambda scheme. Applied Physics Letters. 117(16):164001.
Goryachev M, Galliou S, Tobar M.E..  2020.  Generation of ultralow power phononic combs. Physical Review Research. 2(2)
Johnsson M, Mukty NRoy, Burgarth D, Volz T, Brennen G.  2020.  Geometric Pathway to Scalable Quantum Sensing. Physical Review Letters. 125(19)
Kim I, Tang E, Preskill J.  2020.  The ghost in the radiation: robust encodings of the black hole interior. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020(6)
Tan S, Bomantara RWeda, Gong J.  2020.  High-fidelity and long-distance entangled-state transfer with Floquet topological edge modes. Physical Review A. 102(2)
Baek H., Brotons-Gisbert M., Koong Z.X, Campbell A., Rambach M., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Gerardot B.D.  2020.  Highly energy-tunable quantum light from moiré-trapped excitons. Science Advances. 6(37):eaba8526.
McMahon N., Singh S, Brennen G.  2020.  A holographic duality from lifted tensor networks. npj Quantum Information. 6(1)
Gupta RSwaroop, Govia LCG, Biercuk MJ.  2020.  Integration of spectator qubits into quantum computer architectures for hardware tune-up and calibration. Physical Review A. 102(4)
Tuloup T, Bomantara RWeda, Lee CHua, Gong J.  2020.  Nonlinearity induced topological physics in momentum space and real space. Physical Review B. 102(11)
Bartholomew JG, Rochman J, Xie T, Kindem JM, Ruskuc A, Craiciu I, Lei M, Faraon A.  2020.  On-chip coherent microwave-to-optical transduction mediated by ytterbium in YVO4. Nature Communications. 11(1)
Brown BJ, Williamson DJ.  2020.  Parallelized quantum error correction with fracton topological codes. Physical Review Research. 2(1)
Milne AR, Edmunds CL, Hempel C, Roy F, Mavadia S, Biercuk MJ.  2020.  Phase-Modulated Entangling Gates Robust to Static and Time-Varying Errors. Physical Review Applied. 13(2)
Harris G, Sawadsky A, Sfendla YL, Wasserman WW, Bowen WP, Baker C.  2020.  Proposal for a quantum traveling Brillouin resonator. Optics Express. 28(15):22450.
Grimsmo AL, Combes J, Baragiola BQ.  2020.  Quantum Computing with Rotation-Symmetric Bosonic Codes. Physical Review X. 10(1)
Gupta RSwaroop.  2020.  Robotic control and machine learning for the characterization and control of qubits. Doctor of Philosophy
He X, Harris G, Baker C, Sawadsky A, Sfendla YL, Sachkou YP, Forstner S, Bowen WP.  2020.  Strong optical coupling through superfluid Brillouin lasing. Nature Physics. 16(4):417-421.
Roberts S, Bartlett SD.  2020.  Symmetry-Protected Self-Correcting Quantum Memories. Physical Review X. 10(3)
Bomantara RWeda.  2020.  Time-induced second-order topological superconductors. Physical Review Research. 2(3)
Zhao ZC, Raeber TJ, Murdoch BJ, Partridge JG, McCulloch DG, McKenzie DR.  2020.  Unifying the optical and electrical properties of amorphous carbon: application to hopping photoconductivity and memristance. Journal of Applied Physics. 128(21):215109.
Wintermantel T.M, Wang Y., Lochead G., Shevate S., Brennen G, Whitlock S..  2020.  Unitary and Nonunitary Quantum Cellular Automata with Rydberg Arrays. Physical Review Letters. 124(7)
Brown BJ, Roberts S.  2020.  Universal fault-tolerant measurement-based quantum computation. Physical Review Research. 2(3)
Korzekwa K, Chubb CT, Tomamichel M.  2019.  Avoiding Irreversibility: Engineering Resonant Conversions of Quantum Resources. Physical Review Letters. 122(11)
Geordy J, Rogers LJ, Rogers CM, Volz T, Gilchrist A.  2019.  Bayesian estimation of switching rates for blinking emitters. New Journal of Physics. 21(6):063001.
Roberson TM, White AG.  2019.  Charting the Australian quantum landscape. Quantum Science and Technology. 4(2):020505.
Sachkou YP, Baker C, Harris G, Stockdale OR, Forstner S, Reeves MT, He X, McAuslan DL, Bradley AS, Davis MJ et al..  2019.  Coherent vortex dynamics in a strongly interacting superfluid on a silicon chip. Science. 366(6472):1480-1485.
Shao C-G, Chen Y-F, Tan Y-J, Yang S-Q, Luo J, Tobar M.E., Long J.C, Weisman E., V. Kostelecký A.  2019.  Combined Search for a Lorentz-Violating Force in Short-Range Gravity Varying as the Inverse Sixth Power of Distance. Physical Review Letters. 122(1)
Di Paolo A, Grimsmo AL, Groszkowski P, Koch J, Blais A.  2019.  Control and coherence time enhancement of the 0– π qubit. New Journal of Physics. 21(4):043002.
McAllister BT, Parker SR, Ivanov EN, Tobar M.E..  2019.  Cross-Correlation Signal Processing for Axion and WISP Dark Matter Searches. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 66(1):236-243.
Häußler S, Benedikter J, Bray K, Regan B, Dietrich A, Twamley J, Aharonovich I, Hunger D, Kubanek A.  2019.  Diamond photonics platform based on silicon vacancy centers in a single-crystal diamond membrane and a fiber cavity. Physical Review B. 99(16)
Balasubramanian P, Metsch MH, Reddy P, Rogers LJ, Manson NB, Doherty MW, Jelezko F.  2019.  Discovery of ST1 centers in natural diamondAbstract. Nanophotonics. 8(11):1993-2002.
Barter D, Bridgeman JC, Jones C.  2019.  Domain Walls in Topological Phases and the Brauer–Picard Ring for $${{\rm Vec} (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})}$$ Vec ( Z / p Z ). Communications in Mathematical Physics.
Le DThanh, Grimsmo A, Müller C, Stace TM.  2019.  Doubly nonlinear superconducting qubit. Physical Review A. 100(6)
Fersterer P, Safavi-Naini A, Zhu B, Gabardos L, Lepoutre S, Vernac L., Laburthe-Tolra B., P. Blakie B, Rey AMaria.  2019.  Dynamics of an itinerant spin-3 atomic dipolar gas in an optical lattice. Physical Review A. 100(3)
Muñoz-Matutano G, Wood A, Johnsson M, Vidal X, Baragiola BQ, Reinhard A, Lemaitre A, Bloch J, Amo A, Nogues G et al..  2019.  Emergence of quantum correlations from interacting fibre-cavity polaritons. Nature Materials. 18(3):213-218.
Sharma G, Gaebel T, Rej E, Reilly DJ, Economou SE, Barnes E.  2019.  Enhancement of nuclear spin coherence times by driving dynamic nuclear polarization at defect centers in solids. Physical Review B. 99(20)
Singh S, McMahon N., Brennen G.  2019.  Entanglement renormalization and symmetry fractionalization. Physical Review B. 99(19)
Maier C, Brydges T, Jurcevic P, Trautmann N, Hempel C, Lanyon BP, Hauke P, Blatt R, Roos CF.  2019.  Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport in a 10-qubit Network. Physical Review Letters. 122(5)
Goryachev M, Jeong J, Tobar M.E..  2019.  Experimental implementation of a large scale multipost re-entrant array. Applied Physics Express. 12(5):054002.
Flower G, Goryachev M, Bourhill J, Tobar M.E..  2019.  Experimental implementations of cavity-magnon systems: from ultra strong coupling to applications in precision measurement. New Journal of Physics. 21(9):095004.
Haylock B., Mark Baker, Stace TM, Lobino M..  2019.  Fast electro-optic switching for coherent laser ranging and velocimetry. Applied Physics Letters. 115(18):181103.
Malinowski FK, Martins F, Smith TB, Bartlett SD, Doherty AC, Nissen PD, Fallahi S, Gardner GC, Manfra MJ, Marcus CM et al..  2019.  Fast spin exchange across a multielectron mediator. Nature Communications. 10(1)
Harper R., Flammia ST.  2019.  Fault-Tolerant Logical Gates in the IBM Quantum Experience. Physical Review Letters. 122(8)
Hosain M.A, Le Floch J-M, Bourhill J.F, Krupka J., Tobar M.E..  2019.  Ferroelectric phase transition and crystal asymmetry monitoring of SrTiO3 using quasi TEm,1,1 and quasi TMm,1,1 modes. Journal of Applied Physics. 126(10):104102.
Koong Z.X, Scerri D., Rambach M., Santana T.S, Park S.I, Song J.D, Gauger E.M, Gerardot B.D.  2019.  Fundamental Limits to Coherent Photon Generation with Solid-State Atomlike Transitions. Physical Review Letters. 123(16)
West A, Hensen B, Jouan A, Tanttu T, Yang C-H, Rossi A, M. Gonzalez-Zalba F, Hudson F, Morello A, Reilly DJ et al..  2019.  Gate-based single-shot readout of spins in silicon. Nature Nanotechnology. 14(5):437-441.
Croot X.G., Pauka S.J., Jarratt M.C., Lu H., Gossard A.C., Watson J.D., Gardner G.C., Fallahi S., Manfra M.J., Reilly D.J..  2019.  Gate-Sensing Charge Pockets in the Semiconductor-Qubit Environment. Physical Review Applied. 11(6)
Gauthier G, Reeves MT, Yu X, Bradley AS, Mark Baker, Bell TA, Rubinsztein-Dunlop H, Davis MJ, Neely TW.  2019.  Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid. Science. 364(6447):1264-1267.
Atkinson PE, Schelfhout JS, McFerran JJ.  2019.  Hyperfine constants and line separations for the . Physical Review A. 100(4)
Jerger M, Kulikov A, Vasselin Z, Fedorov A.  2019.  In Situ Characterization of Qubit Control Lines: A Qubit as a Vector Network Analyzer. Physical Review Letters. 123(15)
Bourhill J., Goryachev M, Creedon D.L., Johnson B.C., Jamieson D.N., Tobar M.E..  2019.  Low-Temperature Properties of Whispering-Gallery Modes in Isotopically Pure Silicon-28. Physical Review Applied. 11(4)
O'Brien M.C, Dunn S., Downes J.E, Twamley J.  2019.  Magneto-mechanical trapping of micro-diamonds at low pressures. Applied Physics Letters. 114(5):053103.
Grimsmo AL, Smith TB.  2019.  Majorana qubit readout using longitudinal qubit-resonator interaction. Physical Review B. 99(23)
Forstner S, Sachkou Y, Woolley M, Harris GI, He X, Bowen WP, Baker C.  2019.  Modelling of vorticity, sound and their interaction in two-dimensional superfluids. New Journal of Physics. 21(5):053029.
Chubb CT, Tomamichel M, Korzekwa K.  2019.  Moderate deviation analysis of majorization-based resource interconversion. Physical Review A. 99(3)
Helsen J, Wallman J, Flammia ST, Wehner S.  2019.  Multiqubit randomized benchmarking using few samples. Physical Review A. 100(3)
Tilloy A, Stace TM.  2019.  Neutron Star Heating Constraints on Wave-Function Collapse Models. Physical Review Letters. 123(8)
Goryachev M, Galliou S, Tobar M.E..  2019.  Observation of low-temperature magnetomechanic effects in crystalline resonant phonon cavities. Physical Review B. 100(17)
Reynolds F.C, McFerran J.J.  2019.  Optical frequency stabilization with a synchronous frequency-to-voltage converter. Applied Optics. 58(12):3128.
Gunupudi B, Das SRanjan, Navarathna R, Sahu SKumar, Majumder S, Singh V.  2019.  Optomechanical Platform with a Three-dimensional Waveguide Cavity. Physical Review Applied. 11(2)
Huang E, Doherty AC, Flammia S.  2019.  Performance of quantum error correction with coherent errors. Physical Review A. 99(2)
Waddington DEJ, Boele T, Rej E, McCamey DR, King NJC, Gaebel T, Reilly DJ.  2019.  Phase-Encoded Hyperpolarized Nanodiamond for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Scientific Reports. 9(1)
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Australian Research Council

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