Dr Magdalena Zych is a Wallenberg Academy Fellow affiliated with Stockholm University and EQUS Associate Investigator.
Dr Zych research is in the joint foundations of quantum physics and general relativity with particular focus on the notions of time and causality as well as temperature and thermalisation processes at the interface of the two theories. She also explores the implications of joint quantum and relativistic effects for high-precision quantum technologies.
She received her PhD in 2015 from the University of Vienna working with Professor Caslav Brukner. Until February 2023 she was based at the University of Queensland, first as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Gerard Milburn, then holding ARC DECRA and ARC Future Fellowships. Between January 2021 and 2023 she was a Chief Investigator in EQUS, coordinating theoretical research within the EQUS Clock Flagship and exploring fundamental physics testable with next generation quantum clocks. Her research on time dilation effects in composite quantum systems was recognised with the 2020 Australian Institute of Physics Ruby Payne-Scott Award for excellence in early-career research.
PhD, University of Vienna, Austria (2015)
MSc, University of Lodz, Poland (2008)