David has completed his PhD with Professor David Reilly at the University of Sydney.
His research aimed to develop an entirely new bio-probe based on the detection and tracking of nontoxic nanoparticles in biological environments. By manipulating electron and nuclear spin-states in Nano crystallites of diamond, ruby, and other nanoparticles. The goal was to establish and demonstrate novel in-vivo imaging modalities based on hyperpolarized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
He sought to discover the detection and imaging of biological processes at the molecular scale as an inspiring prospect in the quest to understand the physiology of living systems at their most fundamental level. The new methods in the quantum control of matter are well poised to meet this challenge, which stands to open a vast scientific frontier and constitutes an entirely new tool for the early detection and investigation of disease.
BSc (Hons), University of New South Wales, Australia
PhD University of New South Wales, Australia, 2017